The Church is the hope of the world. This pain in not forever.


Attend a Vision Event at Mosaic and try the practice of fasting.

Activity: Discuss Fasting

  • Have you ever practiced fasting before? Was it for spiritual reasons or something else? What was your experience like, and how did it impact your faith?

  • Fasting was a regular practice of people pursuing God in the Bible as a means of increasing their reliance on God. How can fasting help deepen our dependence on God?

  • God gives us good things and what we need but not always what we want. He provides and helps reframe our needs, wants, and desires. Based on our sacrifice with food this week, how has that helped reframe what really matters in your life?  

Discussion Questions

  • Have someone read Matthew 6:19-21 out loud for your group found on page 61 in the Journey Guide. How does Jesus connect fasting, prayer, and generosity?

    • Why does Jesus emphasize storing treasures in heaven rather than on earth?

  • How can the practices of fasting and prayer lead to greater generosity?

  • Thinking about other ways to increase our reliance on God, how can our wallet become a wall around our heart, preventing us from fully relying on God?

    • In what ways can our attachment to money and material possessions hinder our spiritual growth?

  • How can we start to break down this wall and allow our generosity to increase our reliance on God?

If anyone in your group has already fasted this week, ask the following:

  • As you fasted this week: What did fasting stir up? Where did you feel resistance? Where did you feel delight? Did God expose anything in you? 

  • Is there something specific that God may be calling or inviting you to do as a result of this week's focus on fasting and prayer?