Week Two

We could run the play, but we want more.

Goal of Group

Discuss the healthy and unhealthy burdens that we all carry and consider their effect on us as we start to dream about the future.

Activity: Walk With and Without Weight

  • What healthy weights do you carry? What unhealthy weights do you carry? 

  • What would life be like if you released the unhealthy weight and had less limits? 

Discussion Questions

  • This week you worked on dreaming and created a plan for an unlimited budget. 

    • In what areas was it easiest for you to bless someone?  

    • Was there anything that caused you to pause and think? 

    • Is there a cause that you feel strongly about? If so, share what it is and why?

  • How do you differentiate between being a good steward and being wasteful or fearful with your resources?

  • What are some specific resources (time, money, relationships) that God has entrusted to you?

    • How have you used these resources in the past?

    • What things do you need to say “no” too so you can improve your stewardship of your best resources?

  • How can you begin to dream again about the potential of your time, money, and relationships to make a difference in God’s Kingdom?

    • What dreams do you have for the future impact of the resources God has given you?